
I dunno text
I dunno text

i dunno text

Instead, click on the button labeled, “Player Titles.” That’s where we want to be to change our Player Title. Those are bad news if you’re looking for Player Titles.

i dunno text

Lazy devs, am I right? Anyway, once you’re under Customization you want to avoid the Player Icons and Name Cards buttons. I know, right? What a misstep from the Overwatch team, not putting Player Titles somewhere that makes sense, like under Achievements or History. Step two is navigating to the Customization tab. Don’t blame me, blame Blizzard’s UI team! Once you click on Career Profile you’ll see various options. This is one of the smaller text options, which I guess means you’re a nerd if you actually want to click on it. To find where the Player Titles live in Overwatch 2, your first task is to click on the Career Profile option on the title screen. Related: Overwatch 2: All Rewards on the Season 1 Battle Pass

#I dunno text how to

But I can tell you how to change them! I can’t carry a team but I can read words. Anyway, I say all that because I don’t have any Player Titles in Overwatch, much less Overwatch 2. I dunno I did alright in Team Fortress 2 so perhaps it’s just a subtle mechanical thing I can’t pinpoint. For real it’s like my natural distaste for shooters combined with my inability to give a crap about things like combat roles or objective points or something.

I dunno text